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Ignite CALM in 4 Simple Steps by Deb Snyder, PhD

Everything in life is connected. Our home life influences our work and our work can dictate our level of day-to-day happiness. We simply can’t expect to live happy lives if we’re miserable at work. Not only do we spend at least 50 hours per week at our jobs, we end up wasting precious energy complaining about work during our off hours. This often leads to frustration and disappointment with our friends and family who’ve heard it all, again and again. Yet, within us, we each have the power to create working lives that are both pleasant for us and profitable for our employers. It’s up to us to make changes, and those changes begin in our own hearts and actions. Together, let’s break the negative habits and find a new way of being. Let’s ignite CALM!

What do I mean by “ignite?” I mean this is the moment to LIGHT IT UP and stoke your inner fire by taking positive action—by accepting responsibility for your own life and how you live it. We decide where we work and we choose the people we spend our time with. The company and companions we dedicate our life to. We must not fall into the comfortable trap of blaming people and things outside ourselves for our unhappiness. “Oh, I’d be so happy if it wasn’t for this crappy job, grumpy parent, or controlling spouse.” Enough already! This is your life and it can be anything you want—if you have the courage to genuinely be yourself in every moment. This is what I want for you: empowerment and unyielding bliss in your life.

Ignite CALM is my call to action for all of us to find this special place within ourselves and look at the circumstances in our lives through this new, high vibration filter. This four-step technique will bring you closer to your inner calling and soul’s purpose. You will no longer doubt your thoughts and actions. You will hear your inner voice loud and clear, enabling you to tune out static and confusion caused by the rules and projections of others. You will know you are in resonance with your purpose—and you will also know, with confidence, what no longer serves you and needs to be released.

CALM is an acronym I use for essential components that allow bliss to work in your life. They are easy to apply on the job, at home, and for any challenge you face. When we ignite CALM, we make an active choice to bring the best of ourselves to whatever we’re doing in that present moment.

I’d like you to use this technique whenever you face a decision or challenge at home or on the job. It quickly gets us into our best place, so we can see a situation clearly without distraction from the ego mind. It only takes a few moments, yet focuses in on what is essential. These four questions are at the heart of the CALM approach—the only questions you need to get the internal fire started. This is your flash point, where you strike the match.

To ignite CALM, ask yourself these four simple questions and be absolutely honest in your answers.

Creativity: Have I looked at this situation creatively?

Authenticity: Am I being true to my personal values and goals?

Luminosity: Am I bringing the best of me to this issue?

Mindfulness: How does this situation affect my life and others?

Although these questions may seem basic, they are incredibly powerful. Think back over your life to critical decisions that didn’t work out so well. Now apply the CALM questions in hindsight. During my life, I could have avoided a great deal of pain by asking these questions before I jumped into situations. Now, when I face decisions this simple exercise helps me find the proper place within and bring the best of me to whatever I am doing. Give it a try right now with an issue you’re currently facing at work or at home. It works for issues with clients and for colleagues. Your answers will show where your opportunities live and allow you to unleash your full potential.

I promise you, we each have a purpose in life and can be happy in our work and homes. Give yourself the gift of discovering your unique purpose. Find out how you’re meant to be of positive service to the world. Find what makes you come alive and be your best self. Your employer, family and friends will thank you. Are you courageous enough to let your unique talents shine and be successful beyond all limitation? I know you are. Let us open ourselves to our inner fire. Let’s ignite CALM!


Deb Snyder is an inspirational speaker, personal development teacher, and award-winning  author of four books for adults and kids. She holds a doctorate in metaphysical philosophy and empowers people to live their best lives through embracing their own unique challenges, opportunities, and blessings. Deb offers her heart-centered services in workshops and private sessions worldwide to individuals, businesses, and groups of all sizes.

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