Here are some simple exercises to help you discover your purpose. These can be used daily, weekly, or any time you feel like something is shifting within you and you need more clarity or guidance.

Automatic Writing /Journaling
This exercise can be done at any particular time when you are in need of clarity or guidance. As I have mentioned, your purpose is constantly changing as you change and grow and expand. So, this exercise may be helpful at any given time along your journey of life. Automatic writing will help you to be conscious of what is calling to you at this particular time in your life so that you can live intentionally and consciously.
Let’s Begin:
Create a space where you will not be interrupted for at least an hour. (No cell phone or computer either.)
Have a couple of sheets of paper and a pen. No computer for this one, please.
If you feel so guided, take a moment to ask the God of your understanding, your angels, spirit guides or any other spiritual deities for assistance in discovering your purpose. If this is new to you, you can ask Archangel Michael, who helps with Life Purpose and/or Archangel Uriel who helps with seeing the greater vision, for support and guidance.
At the top of your paper, write: My purpose is ...
Now write anything and everything that comes into your awareness.
Write without editing and without stopping. I call this stream of consciousness writing. It can be words, sentences, or phrases. It does not have to be complete sentences. As you write, observe your emotions and the feelings you have in your body.
Continue writing until you either feel empty, it has been over a half hour, or you have a lot of emotion.
Go through your list and mark the ones that brought up the most emotion in you. The ones that you could really feel in your heart. The ones that resonated with you. The ones that made you cry. The ones that gave you the chills. These messages, words and sentences are our purpose. So now that you have the words you will know what your purpose is ... for now.
© 2021 Sunny Dawn Johnston
This exercise by Sunny Dawn Johnston appears in Deb Snyder's book, Ignite CALM, Bliss at Work