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Author, Speaker & Metaphysical Philosopher
Author, Speaker & Metaphysical Philosopher
Author, Speaker & Metaphysical Philosopher


Mind Your Own "Blissness" with the Power of Play By Tam Veilleux
Play is a state of mindfulness that often escapes us in this busy world we live in. Too often we think that working harder will bring us...

How to Discover Your Purpose by Sunny Dawn Johnston
Exercise Here are some simple exercises to help you discover your purpose. These can be used daily, weekly, or any time you feel like...

“Drag and Drop” by Sue Yarmey
You are electromagnetic. If you could see yourself, and had the right equipment, you would be aware of just how much light you emit. ...

Pratyahara ~Withdrawal or Merging of the Senses By Suzanne Silvermoon
Pratyahara is the withdrawal of the senses of cognition and action from both the external world and the images or impressions in the mind...

Mindfulness through “Conscious” Dance By Lisa Holcomb, M.Ed.
"Dance like nobody is watching", amongst a crowd of others or in the midst of laundry, dishes, even deadlines, and see what happens!...

The Power of Creativity by Jennifer Crews
Ahhhhhhhh the concept of creating. Its why you are here. You are meant to create. It is innately built into every fiber of your being. ...

Releasing Dissonant Feelings by Evelyn C. Rysdyk
Our “negative” feelings can cause DNA to wind tightly onto itself in what I call a, “DNA Cramp.” In this state, the DNA’s ability to...

Soul Doodles by Elizabeth Harper
Whenever I feel inspired to draw what I call a “Soul Doodle” I know that some aspect of me wishes to communicate. A Soul Doodle or...

Reintroduction to Crystals & Stones by Dede Eaton
As children many of us are drawn to rocks, somehow deep inside we inherently know and sense that they are special. We don’t question this...

Calling your Energy Home by Deane Driscoll
An Exercise in Restoring Authenticity to the Workplace In our present uncertain economic times, many corporations are run in what I call...

Unlocking Your Creativity by David B. Goldstein
While acting creativity helps us to solve problems – it also helps us become more engaged with our work and more fulfilled in our lives. ...

Authenticity Exercise by Lynne McGhee
Authenticity by Lynne McGhee Lynne McGhee Coaching and Performing In a world where over scheduling, overwork and overwhelm seem to be in...

Ignite CALM in 4 Simple Steps by Deb Snyder, PhD
Everything in life is connected. Our home life influences our work and our work can dictate our level of day-to-day happiness. We simply...
Guest Interviews
Deb Snyder has interviewed authors, experts and creatives through her various roles in broadcasting and publishing.
Here are some for you to enjoy:
Beyond Words Presents Interviews

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